Old Norse Teaching Documents

1 / Handouts, references, grammar aids

These are intended to get students reading as fast as possible rather than provide even a moderately comprehensive description of the language—terms as basic as i- and u-mutation do not appear in the below.

Pronunciation guide

Nominal inflection

Pronouns 1: personal and possessive

Pronouns 2: demonstrative

The definite article

Adjectives, strong and weak

Verbal system I: person and tense

Verbal system II: mood, voice, and the participle

2 / Hrafnkelssaga, glossed

Each reading should take one or two 50-minute sessions, depending on how much background in languages the students have. Readings get progressively longer, basic vocab learnt in one chapter is assumed in the next, and parsed forms give way to headwords as the course progresses.

Chapter 1, part i

Chapter 1, part ii

Chapter 2, part i

Chapter 2, part ii

More of Hrafnkelssaga will appear on this site from August 2024. And I’d appreciate an email if you spot mistakes!

For a taste of poetry, here's a glossed version of Ynglingatal 1-5.